our impact
Beyond hunger
The Heifer method has been proven successful. Since 1999, Heifer Netherlands has been able to directly impact the lives of 90,707 farming families. If you add the impact of the network of Heifer International, we supported almost 43 million families on their way to living income.

SDG’s 2030
Between now and 2030, the Heifer network will support an additional 10 million families. We will achieve this ambitious goal, that is directly linked to the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 of the UN, through a number of signature programs, each focused on scale, permanent impact and partnerships.

Results 2023
Last year, as a result of the war between Russia and Ukraine, we saw a significant increase in prices of groceries, gasoline, and energy. We have all experienced the financial impact, and that is no different for the farming families we work with. They have been confronted with a steep increase in the cost of buying seeds, fertilizer, and other agricultural materials. Also, transporting the harvest to the cooperative or market has become an expensive affair. To cope with unforeseen costs or a reduction in income, we support these smallholder farmers to reach a sustainable living income.
Our core activity is to position and market Heifer in Europe and to raise funds for Heifer International’s projects. The approval of a twoyear Climate-Smart Dairy project in Nepal by the AGCO Agriculture Foundation was one of our biggest successes last year. We also worked on developing a new three year strategic plan.
The plan has ambitious fundraising goals to support the work Heifer is doing, which is very important as we see that hunger and poverty are increasing worldwide.