Nutrition enhancement project, Senegal
The Nutrition Enhancement Project aims to reduce mortality and morbidity rates through the prevention and management of malnutrition among vulnerable populations in the District of Bounkilling, Senegal.
14 communities in Senegal
Nutrition, malnutrition, children, agriculture
Africa is home to the world’s youngest population, with more than 226 million people ages 15-24. In Senegal, climate change is a major threat to growth and sustainable development. Long-term impacts include rainfall variability and drought affecting agriculture and food security.
Food insecurity remains a constant concern in Senegal. Much of the population depends on traditional agriculture, and remain in a state of vulnerability due to reoccurring climate shocks. The nutritional security for families in Senegal is generally precarious, making it difficult for women in childbearing years to give birth to healthy children while also fighting for their own nutrition.
The project
The Nutrition Enhancement Project in Bounkiling will improve the food security and nutrition of women and children under the age of five in 25,000 households. The project will work to reduce malnutrition and mortality in 14 municipalities, while also strengthening social capital through group formation, technical and values-based training.
Through specialized training and support, the project will
improve the health of women of childbearing age and children under five.

Our goals
Reduce mortality and morbidity rates through the prevention and management of malnutrition among vulnerable populations in the District of Bounkilling.
- Improve the health of women in childbearing age and children under 5
- Improve nutritin and sanitation
- Improve food security
- Strengthen social capital and inclusive resource management in 1,000 self-help groups

The "1.000 days window" approach
The nutrition a child receives during their first 1,000 days has a profound impact on their ability to grow, learn and thrive. Nutrition during pregnancy and in the early years of a child’s life provides the essential elements for brain development, healthy growth and a robust immune system. Malnutrition early in a child’s life causes irreversible damage to brain development and physical growth resulting in decreased learning abilities, poor performance in school, and high levels of susceptibility to infections and disease. It is imperative to support and maintain good nutrition in this window by focusing on two phases:
• During pregnancy
• On the first day of the child’s birth to the first birthday
In this project, we are collaborating with Heifer Senegal, the Senegalese government, the African Agricultural and Cultural Youth Association, as well as local and regional health authorities.
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